A big part of running the pages and sites I do is traveling around the county and taking the best pictures I can.
Over the past few years I've managed to take, from what I'm told "some really nice shots" and this summer saw me do a massive upgrade to my camera gear in preparation for this website, plans to make merchandise from some of the photos I've taken, and entry in to some local and national photography contests.
Photography is something I'm actively learning yet I still have a lot to learn when it comes to the craft. Some amazing local photographers have been kind enough to aid me along the way by offering input, recommending settings and tips, and encouraging my interest in bettering my photography skills.
I'm looking forward to learning even more in the coming months and years as I travel around Tucker County and work to keep the website updated with fresh and interesting media.
I often get strange looks from residents who happen upon me wondering around with my camera bags, tripods, and gear in tow. If you find me out and about with one of my cameras I'm only there to take pictures and not interested in littering, vandalizing, or otherwise ill intentions.
Tucker County has vast wilderness landscapes that make for some great photographs and provides a relaxing setting for the photographer in the process and it's my intent to locate the most beautiful and secluded places in the county. I randomly pick places to head to around the area and as I know more about Parsons, Hendricks, Hambleton, and St. George a majority of the pictures I take are located from those areas. I've had users ask me to include more photos, stories, and information from Thomas, Davis, and Canaan and I'll be working on that as soon as my schedule permits.
My goal with this site is not to single out one town or area of the county but to focus on the county as a whole and I'll be continually working on that moving forward.
I appreciate your likes, comments, emails, shares, and suggestions as I rely on the local residents to point out any mistakes I make and keep me updated with what's going on around the county.