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Eastern Worm Snake - (Carphophis Amoenus)
Common Name
Eastern Wormsnake
Scientific Name
Carphophis Amoenus
This docile snake has smooth scales, a small pointed head, and a tail ending in a spinelike tip.
Burrows in the soil, rotting logs, and organic debris.
Seldom exceed 1 foot in length.
Identifying Marks
Very distinct looks almost mirroring an earthworm.
Insects and earthworms.
Between 2-6 small white eggs are deposited under rocks, loose soil, or rotting wood.
Myths and Lore
Venom Effects
Pet Potential
A very interesting snake and given its size and odd looks a neat pet but in captivity, they are problematic and often refuse to eat. I would advise against keeping this guy as a pet if you're a beginner.
Additional Info
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