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About the Admin

Dave with a snake on his head
Dave with a snake on his head

Hello, my name is Dave and I'm the owner and admin of this site. Before you ask no I'm not a snake expert I'm just a guy who has always been fascinated by snakes and who used to get into trouble bringing them to school, carrying them into my parents house, and catching them around in peoples yards.

There was a time when I was a guy who hated snakes and ran the other way to get dad to grab a gun and eliminate them when I encountered them, this was only because I didn't know much about them at that time and people tend to fear what they don't understand. As the picture above shows I've since learned enough to feel relaxed around most snake species and enough to identify the venomous species in our country from the non venomous ones.

I started this website a couple years ago with the intent to educate those who used to be like me and kill any snake they ran into and in so doing help to save some of these wonderful helpful creatures from a premature death. I've traveled around the country and some advice I got in Tombstone AZ about Rattlesnakes will tell you all you need to know about how we should react to even venomous snake species "If you hear a rattle sound step back and follow the same path you took to get there and tell us what you heard so we can get animal control to move it to a safe location they're around here and that isn't going to change but we can do our best to move them for our customers safety when those rare encounters occur".

I hope everyone has a great time browsing this site and learns something to help prevent the needless death that is far to often visited on a harmless and helpful creature.

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